Tag: investing

My podcast is live!

OMG it happened, I have my own podcast! Aaah I’m so excited! I published the first ever episode of The money girl club! I am so happy that I can finally present this podcast to you. This show is going to be all about money mindset and investing. I confess: I’m a podcast addict. I have been playing with the idea of starting a podcast for a long time. Why? I feel I have so much to say about this subject and even though I share a lot on Instagram, I don’t feel like that’s enough. I’m a huge podcast fan myself. During the lockdowns (I still cannot believe that’s a plural) I started walking a lot. Like, who didn’t? And on those walks I turned to podcasts. Hours and hours of information poured through my ear buds, I was absolutely hooked. I did listen to podcasts before that but my addiction grew exponentially the past 2 years. “Can you please shut up for a minute, Valerie?” Of course listening to a podcast is one thing, making one myself is another. But it felt like a logical step, because I loooove to talk. Ask my parents and friends, they will gladly confirm. Fun fact: I actually went to law school but dropped out in the second year because I hated it. It was so boring and I couldn’t stand reading those complicated legal documents. Life is too short to figure out those wordings. When I was little, my teachers would always say that I would surely become a lawyer because I just wouldn’t shut up. Fun fact: I actually went to law school but dropped out in the second year because I hated it. It was so boring and I couldn’t stand reading those complicated legal documents. Life is too short to figure out those wordings. Now that we’re on the subject, I’ll tell you a bit more about me. My name is Valerie. I am 34 years old at the time of the first recording and I live in Antwerp with my husband David. It still feels funny to call him that, even though we have been married for almost a year now. Freedom chaser I have traveled a lot and plan to continue that in the future. I went to Australia and Asia, both solo and with my husband. If you ask my parents they will tell you I am stubborn and exhausting, and that I am non conformist to say the least. I believe they call it difficult, I prefer to call it creative. 😃 I chase freedom constantly. I believe life is meant to be designed to your liking, and that money is a tool to accomplish that. Money will get you where you want to be, and that’s why I want to speak freely about in this podcast, without the attitude and the taboos. Also: I like to believe I’m really funny and I hope you agree with me. And if not… well we will find out soon enough, no? Haha! In 2021 I founded “This money girl”. In my business I want to help you get educated about finance. I’m one of those people who were lucky enough to find their purpose in Covid times. The past two years have been hard on the world and on me as well. But I’m very grateful I was able to turn this shitty experience into something positive. Let’s talk about financial education I work at the customer service department of a bank, and it struck me how many people don’t have basic financial knowledge. So many people don’t have a clue about what is happening to their money, and it bothers me so much. I realized that most of us aren’t taught how to manage money and that’s where I want to step in. To be clear: I’m not saying this to make fun of those people or to be condescending. It’s just a conclusion. If you want to lead a nice life it is crucial that you understand money, but too little is said about this topic because it’s “not done”. I’m over this mindset and aim to spread as much knowledge as I can. Who is this show for? Ok, enough about me. I want to talk about you! Who are you, who is this podcast for? This show is for you if you want to learn about investing but don’t know where to start. This show is for you if you too are over the money taboo and want to change your money mindset. And lastly, this show is for you if you want to design your life to your liking and if you’re an ambitious freedom seeker just like me, a bit of a rebel even. So many people don’t have a clue about what is happening to their money, and it bothers me so much. Up until now, my audience on Instagram and my clients consist mostly of women. That doesn’t mean that my message is only for women, I want you to know that everybody is welcome here. What I do aim for is to get more women on to the stock market, because it is still very much a men’s world. Classic investing campaigns in the past almost always targeted men, as they were “the head of the family”. I hate this expression, with a capital “H”. I believe a family consists of equal members who all contribute to the best of their ability. This is why I call myself a financial feminist: not because I hate men (that’s really not what feminism is about) but because I believe everyone has the right to the same opportunities. So ladies: it’s time to enter the stock market! This show is not for you if… This show is not for you if you are looking for financial advice. I will never tell you what to buy or sell, and when to do it. What I will do is provide you

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