5 easy money management tips for couples

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Ah, love! It can be so beautiful, but what if money challenges your relationship? Finance can drive the best couples apart. Luckily I came up with 5 easy money management tips to keep the romance thriving.

Love don’t cost a thing

“My love don’t cost a thing”

Even J-Lo said it, so it’s probably true. But what if money costs you love?

Money makes the world go round, whether you like it or not. That means that finance has a way of shaking the fundaments of your relationship too if you don’t see eye to eye. In a society where it’s taboo to talk about money too much it can be a challenge to get down to the financial nitty gritty with your partner.
It can feel very intimate to open up about your money mindset, especially when you have different ideas.

Now here’s the good news:

Arguments about money are amongst the most common reasons for divorce. Ouch.
But can you tackle this problem? And if so, how?

Money management for couples

In a world where financial education is absent in the school system it’s hard enough already to make it work on your own, let alone as a couple.
That’s why I came up with 5 easy tips for couples to get those money mindset issues out of the way.

tips, notes

1. Start with yourself

Before anything else: get clear on your own money mindset. Do you lean towards saving or spending? Was money a problem when you were little? Are you into investing? Get to know your own opinions before challenging someone else’s.

If you happen to stumble upon some limiting money beliefs of your own, then this is the time to work on them.

2. Don’t wait too long to discuss money with your partner

I know, I know. When you’ve just met someone it’s all about the butterflies and you want to do nothing but fun stuff. I get it, you’re in love! But I’m gonna go ahead and be a party pooper: you need to start talking about money as soon as possible.

When you just start dating you are interested to know if your partner wants to eventually get married or have children, don’t you? Finance is just as important to discuss because it has a huge impact on your future.

3. Be honest about your finances

honesty, vulnerable, couples

Honesty is crucial in any relationship, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that you need to be. honest about your finances. Many couples have hit a bump in the road because not all of the information was out in the open.

So if you have any debt or other money issues: put your cards on the table. If it’s meant to be you can work it out together.

4. Look for the middle ground

What if you and your partner have very different ideas about money? This can be tough, but it’s not necessarily a ground for separation. In fact it can even be inspiring.

My advice to couples with different opinions on money would be to sit down and interview each other. Get to know why they have certain beliefs. Questions you can ask:

  • How did your parents talk about money?
  • Was money an issue when you were little?
  • Did you get pocket money?
  • Do you talk about money with your friends?
  • What does being rich mean to you?

Grab a drink and some snacks, you could be in for a long night. Remember to keep an open mind. You might get your significant other out of their comfort zone and maybe they can teach you a thing or two as well.

5. Think of yourself as a team

It’s incredibly cheesy but yes, teamwork makes the dream work. You are no longer alone, you have a partner to rely on. Don’t keep score, because no one benefits from that. Learn from each other and don’t let ego run the game.

Wherever there is mutual love and trust, there is almost nothing you cannot conquer.

happy couples

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