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Blog - This money girl

Geld is niet moeilijk, écht.

Je hebt alleen iemand nodig die het je op een simpele manier uitlegt, en laat dat nu net mijn missie zijn. Laat geld meer opbrengen door het te begrijpen. Doe alvast inspiratie op in deze gratis bibliotheek vol financiële kennis. 



How to save money on groceries in 2022

Did you know that you can save hundreds, possibly even thousands a year when you...

5 admin life hacks that will save you money

These 5 admin life hacks will make adulting a whole lot easier. Oh, and they...

Why you really should learn how to invest yourself

People often ask me if I can invest their money for them, but I’m not...
you can learn how to invest

The 4 pillars of financial knowledge you should know

A decent financial education is super important when you want to start building wealth. So...

From dropout to finance expert

I’m a dropout. There, I said it. I don’t have a master’s degree. I don’t...
college graduate

How the war in Ukraine will drive inflation even higher

Last week has been eventful. As we all know, Russia has invaded Ukraine and the...

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