The 4 pillars of financial knowledge you should know

financial education

A decent financial education is super important when you want to start building wealth. So here are the 4 pillars financial knowledge is all about. Memorize them, recite them to your dog, write them in your diary but most importantly: implement them.

📚 First pillar: READ

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Reading and knowledge go hand in hand

Reading and knowledge are like burgers and ketchup: besties for life (with al due respect to the burger with mayo eating population but don’t expect me to endorse this MONSTROSITY).

Go to the library or the nearest book store and get yourself some finance books. Trust me, that’s less boring than it sounds. There are so many different books about money, just start with one that appeals to you and that suits your level of current knowledge.

Book tips*:

Give it a try. I bet you look smokin’ too in those reading glasses.

*I don’t get any sort of commission if you decide to make a purchase. I genuinely recommend these books.

Start small! Read my free guide first:

free guide: how to start investing

👂 Second pillar: LISTEN

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Through listening you can absorb a lot of information

The amount of information we can process through hearing is phenomenal. The pace is really high and it requires not that much effort and energy.

Listening in order to collect financial knowledge can come in different forms. Listen to audio books or podcasts on a walk. Then off course there’s listening to others, this can broaden your horizon. Lastly, listen to the news. Whatever happens in the world has an impact on the economy and helps you understand finance better.

👄 Third pillar: DISCUSS

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Put knowledge into action and discuss finance with others

Something interesting happens to our brain when we discuss things with other people: we challenge our own and each other’s knowledge. In the first two pillars it’s all about taking in information, in the third one you’re putting that newfound knowledge into circulation. This helps you to form your attitude towards certain topics, and to analyze them on a deeper level.

🚀 Fourth pillar: DO

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Knowledge is nothing without action.

The final and probably most important pillar is turning your knowledge into action. Knowledge alone won’t bring in the cash. Don’t just think about how much you could save, set aside money each month. Don’t just read about the stock market but start investing with small amounts. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes along the way. That’s called growth.

Invest in your own financial knowledge

I understand it can be hard to start all of this on your own. That’s why you can count on me to help you. In my course ‘Newbie to investor’ I show you the ins and outs of basic economics and the stock market. Click below to get more information:

learn to invest with newbie to investor

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